Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts in all editors

  • F1 - Open the help system.
  • Ctrl + E - Display a filterable list of open editors to get direct access to an editor.
  • Ctrl + Shift + E - Display the Switch to Editor dialog.
  • Ctrl + F6 - Display a list of open editors.
  • Ctrl + PgUp / Ctrl + PgDown - Navigate to previous / next editor tab.
  • Alt + ← and Alt + → - Go to previous or next edit positions from the editor history list. On Mac use Alt + Cmd instead of Alt only.
  • Ctrl + A - Select all.
  • Ctrl + Z - Undo last action. On Mac use Cmd + Z.
  • Ctrl + Y - Redo last action. On Linux use Ctrl + Shift + Z. On Mac use Shift + Cmd + Z.
  • Ctrl + S - Save.
  • Ctrl + Shift + S - Save all.
  • Ctrl + O - Show quick outline. On Mac use Cmd + O.

Keyboard shortcuts in diagram editors

  • Tab - Cycle between shapes on the diagram from left to right.
  • Shift + Tab - Cycle between shapes on the diagram from right to left.
  • Ctrl + Arrows - Navigate between shapes on the diagram.
  • Alt + Down - Navigate into a container.
  • Alt + Up - Navigate out of a container.
  • / - Navigate clockwise among the existing edges.
  • ** - Navigate counter-clockwise among the existing edges.


  • Shift + Arrows - Select in sequence. Hold down Shift, use navigation keys to select additional components.
  • Shift + Mouse - Select additionally. Hold down Shift, click on the elements to select.
  • Ctrl + Arrow + Space - Select multiple. Hold down Ctrl, use navigation keys to navigate to additional components, press Space to select additional components.
  • Ctrl + Space - Deselect the selected shape/edge by showing the shape/edge in an outline.
  • Esc - Select diagram. Deselects all other previous selections.


  • F2 - Direct edit of selected element.
  • F5 - Refresh. Force an update of the diagram according to the latest version of the semantic model.
  • Ctrl + C - Copy semantic element into clipboard. On Mac use Cmd + C.
  • Ctrl + V - Paste semantic element from clipboard. On Mac use Cmd + V.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + C - Copy layout.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + V - Paste layout.
  • Ctrl + H - Hide element.
  • Ctrl + L - Hide label. On Mac use Cmd + L.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L - Show label. On Mac use Cmd + Shift + L.
  • Arrows - Move shape.
  • . - Cycle on element handles. Cycle on position handle / 8 side and corner size handles / position handle. Clockwise rotation.
  • . - Cycle through edge points. Cycle through the end-points, bend-points, and mid-points of a connection. Clockwise rotation.
  • Ctrl + Shift + - - Manage edge. Remove all the bend-points to retrieve an original straight edge. On Mac use Cmd + Shift + -.
  • . + Mouse - Move a component. Cycle once to the move handle using the period key (.), use navigation keys to move, press Enter to accept new location or press Escape to cancel the move.
  • Shift + Mouse - Constrain the move by snapping the shape to the grid.
  • Alt + Mouse - Move without snap. This allows to ignore the snap while dragging a shape. On Mac use Ctrl + Mouse.
  • . + Resize - Resize a component. Cycle to desired resize handle using the period key (.), use navigation keys to resize, press Enter to accept new size or press Escape to cancel the resize.
  • Ctrl + Resize - Centered resize. Expands the shape on both opposite sides. On Mac use Alt + Resize.
  • Shift + Resize - Resize that keeps the ratio.
  • Alt + Resize - Resize without snap. Temporarily disables the snap during the resize if it is activated. On Mac use Ctrl + Resize.
  • F3 + Resize - Resize container keeping children relative. When the shape is resized using the left and/or top border, the children (contained nodes for container and border nodes for all shapes) are moved with the border.
  • F4 + Resize - Resize with snap to all shapes.
  • Ctrl + & - Reset diagram. The diagram can have a negative origin or can be shifted toward the bottom-right with a blank zone at the top-left. This action aims to move all diagram elements to retrieve its origin while keeping the element layout. On Mac use Cmd + &.

Diagram editor

  • Ctrl + = - Zoom in.
  • Ctrl + - - Zoom out.
  • Space + Mouse - Pan when zoomed in. Hold down Space and drag the mouse.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Arrows - Scroll in diagram.
  • Shift + F10 - Invokes the context menu for the shape.


  • Space or Enter - Collapse or expand the selected group.
  • Space or Enter - Select tool.
  • Alt + Space - Stack popup list appears.
  • Up or Down - Navigate between group and tools.
  • Ctrl + Mouse - Multiple additions. Select a palette tool for element creation and keep Ctrl pressed (Alt on Mac). Now you can use multiple mouse clicks for creating multiple elements without having to reselect the palette tool.

Embedded textual editor

  • Almost all shortcuts shown below.
  • Ctrl + Enter - Save and close.
  • Esc - Cancel and close.

Keyboard shortcuts in textual editors

The following list shows some basic commands which might be helpful when using the textual editors.

  • Alt + Up and Alt + Down - Move current line or selection one line up / down.
  • Alt + Left and Alt + Right - Go back / forward in the history of editors.
  • Alt + Shift + Up and Alt + Shift + Down - Expand selection to containing element.
  • Alt + Shift + R - Rename current element as well as all other occurences.
  • F3 or Ctrl + MouseClick - Follow reference under cursor.
  • Ctrl + Up and Ctrl + Down - Scroll one line up / down.
  • Ctrl + 0 - Pop up outline for easy navigation and filtering.
  • Ctrl + 1 - Quick fix of errors.
  • Ctrl + Shift + C - Single line comment/uncomment.
  • Ctrl + Shift + / and *Ctrl + Shift + * - Block comment/uncomment.
  • Ctrl + / - Toggle comment for line or selection.
  • Ctrl + Space - Start content assist suggesting possible values.
  • Ctrl + D - Delete current line.
  • Ctrl + L - Go to a certain line.
  • Ctrl + M - Maximise current editor window.
  • Ctrl + W - Close current editor tab.
  • Ctrl + Q - Go to last edit location.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F - Start the source code formatter.
  • Ctrl + Shift + G - Find references to current element.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F3 - Locate a certain element.
  • Ctrl + , and Ctrl + . - Navigate between markers in the current editor.
  • Ctrl + J - Incremental find. Note: Just press Ctrl + J and start typing the search text. Eclipse finds and highlights the next match as you type. Use Up or Down Arrow keys to jump to the next or previous match.
  • Ctrl + L - Go to line from editor.
  • Ctrl + Q - Go to last edit location.
  • Ctrl + Shift + P - Navigate to matching bracket/brace.
  • Ctrl + X - Cut selected text into clipboard. On Mac use Cmd + X.
  • Ctrl + C - Copy selected text into clipboard. On Mac use Cmd + C.
  • Ctrl + V - Paste text from clipboard. On Mac use Cmd + V.