
ModuleStudio 1.5.0 (unreleased)

Product / Tooling changes

  • Updated to Eclipse 2023-12 (4.30).
  • Updated included Java version from 14.0.1 to 17.0.6
  • Fixed problem preventing embedded textual editor to open properly.

DSL / Modelling language changes

  • Target version is now a Symfony version (currently: SF71, SF70).
  • Removed obsolete application properties generateMailzApi, generateNewsletterPlugin, generateTagSupport.
  • Removed obsolete email field properties checkMX, checkHost.
  • Removed obsolete URL field property checkDNS.
  • Removed hooks support entirely.
  • Removed support for Zikula specific legacy content concepts (PageLock module, pending content, MultiHook needles, Scribite plugins, blocks, content types, search integration).
  • Removed support for separate admin templates.
  • Removed attributable behavior.
  • Removed support for example data.
  • Removed support for authentication method skeletons.
  • Removed external controller and finder in favor of form-based relations.
  • Removed array fields and object fields (deprecated in DBAL 3.4) - simple array and JSON array fields are still available.
  • Replaced displayType and visible properties by dedicated flags visibleOnIndex, visibleOnDetail, visibleOnNew, visibleOnEdit and visibleOnSort.
  • Added role attribute to larger text fields which allows to distinguish plain text from coding languages and WYSIWYG editing.
  • Added useAutoCompletion flag for list fields.
  • Added datetime component DATE_TIME_TZ for DateTime objects with timezone.
  • Added new string roles for CIDR, ISIN and ULID validators.
  • Added support for fulltext indexes.
  • Removed TABLE identifier strategy and added ULID instead.
  • Reduced slugLength default and max value from 255 to 190 for better utf8mb4 compatibility.
  • Removed support for notify change tracking policy which is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0.
  • Removed support for referred application in favour of manual amendments in composer.json.

Generator changes

  • Generated bundles require at least PHP 8.2 and Symfony 7 (Zikula 4.0).
  • Generated bundles use and extend the concepts of EasyAdminBundle.
  • Use property type hints; remove unrequired casts in setter methods.
  • Use constructor property promotion.
  • Use native PHP attributes for validation constraints, route definitions, setter injections and ORM mappings.
  • Use other PHP 8 features (e.g. nullsafe operator, non-capturing catches, ::class on objects).
  • Introduce repository interfaces and utilize autowiring for them using ServiceEntityRepository(Interface) (#1253).
  • Introduce application specific entity interfaces for easier separation of entities inside event listeners and subscribers.
  • Variables are now processed as Symfony bundle configuration instead of having a config controller (no modvars anymore).
  • Annotate Doctrine collection so PhpStorm can provide its generics support.
  • Fixed regression regarding filtering user fields.
  • Fixed exception when editing entities with allowed but unset specific creation date.
  • Fixed paths to Leaflet assets for geographical entities (#1243).
  • Use lazy-loaded Twig extensions.
  • Provide default values for default coordinate fields to prevent invalid form state.
  • Reset page number to 1 to avoid empty page if filters have been set.
  • Add fluent setters and made add/remove methods for multi-valued associations more solid.
  • Fixed usage of mapped superclasses.
  • Updated structure for classes related to entities with inheritance relationships.
  • Provide getDescription helper method in EntityDisplayHelper.
  • Fixed an issue with directParent selection in tree relatives template.
  • Use NotCompromisedPassword validator for password fields.
  • Skip sending creator-related notification if creator has approval permissions (#1249).
  • Fixes for ICS templates (#1254).
  • Add missing cast to getter for decimal fields (#1257).
  • Removed colons from form labels.
  • Update changed user names in log entries (#1251).
  • Allow deletion of entities that are not valid.
  • For more details see closed tickets on GitHub.

ModuleStudio 1.4.0 (June 26, 2020)

Product / Tooling changes

  • Updated to Eclipse 2020-06 (4.16).
  • Includes Java 14.0.1 now.
  • Dropped support for 32 bit platforms.
  • Use SVG icons in included help web app.
  • Fixed project switcher issue in some Windows environments (#1209).

DSL / Modelling language changes

  • Fixed validation problems of image constraints.
  • Added target core versions for Zikula Core 3.0.x.
  • Added warning about target core versions 1.5.x becoming deprecated.
  • Fixed problems in quick fixes for validation constraints regarding duplicates.
  • Added possibility to configure validation mode for email fields (used in Zikula 3 only). More details can be found in the generator reference.
  • Added possibility to define arbitrary field units for integer, number and string fields (#1201).
  • Added counter flag to integer fields to provide view counter functionality (#1226).
  • Added deleteExpired flag for automatic deletion of obsolete data (#1232).
  • Added new string role for week fields (used in Zikula 3 only). More details can be found in the generator reference.
  • Added new string role for icon fields (used in Zikula 3 only). More details can be found in the generator reference.
  • Added new string role for hostname fields (used in Zikula 3 only). More details can be found in the generator reference.

Generator changes

  • Added support for all changes in Zikula Core 3.
  • Added support for map views showing a list of markers for multiple geographical entities (#1212).
  • Coordinate input fields are shown below map when editing geographical entities.
  • Added generated configuration option for private mode extending ownerPermission setting for viewing data.
  • Form types automatically derive allowed upload file extensions from upload helper.
  • Fixed empty list settings for revision handling if an application contains multiple loggable entities.
  • Prevent log entry creation from other modules.
  • Fixed categories related problem in list content type (does not affect Zikula 1.x).
  • Added import for Response class used in docblocks (#1205).
  • Populate accept attribute for upload fields with allowed file extensions.
  • Fixed wrong upload field reference in external finder (#1204).
  • Fixed hardcoded specific directory structure for Scribite integration (#1202).
  • Generate JavaScript edit functions also for just a config page.
  • Fixed deletion of replaced upload file (#1206).
  • Use title as fallback for description in finder.
  • Fixed undefined variable in UI hook provider views (#1207).
  • Fixed pagination for categorisable and translatable entities (#1211).
  • Allow empty value for list entry validation.
  • Fixed creation redirect exception for sluggable entities.
  • More unobtrusive display for item actions dropdown menu.
  • Added missing min/max attributes for number input fields.
  • Fixed wrong fallback value for array fields.
  • Fixed logical mix-up of relation sides for embedded editing.
  • Inform submitter about pending content approvals.
  • Fixed possibly wrong default values for non-nullable integer and user fields.
  • Fallback to guest user if an optional user field is not nullable.
  • Prevent wrong translation domain when resolving list entries in Twig templates.
  • Disable collection filter helper when determining moderation items.
  • Fixed Leaflet inclusion in raw templates.
  • Truncate string using whole words in auto completion handler.
  • Removed all artifacts which are entirely related to release engineering (Travis and StyleCI configuration files, composer dev requirements).
  • Trigger email notifications after workflow transition has been completed.
  • Apply workflow not before entity change for proper create notifications.
  • The finder component can now dynamically switch languages to insert links in another language into editors (#1214).
  • Use * value for allowing all file extensions in an upload field.
  • Use * value for allowing all mime types in an upload field.
  • Fixed several problems in search helper.
  • Fixed several problems in example data helper.
  • Improved dynamic activation of loggable listeners in multiple modules.
  • Fixed possible wrong quick search results caused by numeric fields.
  • Minor cosmetical improvement for auto completion based relation editing.
  • Skip client-side past and future validation for empty date values.
  • Fixed processing of request-based relation presets in edit forms.
  • Ensure multiple join tables between same entities get unique names.
  • Restrict custom loggable listener action to entities from same bundle.
  • Fixed YAML problems in authentication method service definition.
  • Fixed several minor issues in generated technical documentation.
  • Fixed possible invalid states for boolean filter in quick navigation.
  • Improved handling of entities without view or index actions in moderation panel and moderation block.
  • Removed usage of deprecated jQuery ajax callbacks.
  • Show information about last editor in workflow notification emails (of entities with standard fields) for moderators.
  • Several improvements for CSV and XML output (e.g. array fields and relationship data).
  • Hide link for creating related items in quick view.
  • Overhauled and improved asset handling on raw pages (e.g. for inline editing).
  • Properly consider doctrine proxies in listeners.
  • Fixed handling of plural forms in translations.
  • Avoid date range validation class on other datetime fields in same entity.
  • Reselect sluggable entity before redirect after reverting to old revision.
  • Fixed typo in UI hooks provider.
  • Call filter hooks for text fields on display pages.
  • Upgraded MultiHook needle support for MultiHook 6.0.0.
  • Lowered required permission level for creating entities with moderation.
  • Item actions on display pages are not shown inside quick view windows.
  • Introduced permission helper method for accessing quick navigation forms; require only view permissions instead of edit (#1218).
  • Related entities in quick navigation forms are filtered by permissions (#1230).
  • Added dropdown fields for target sides of one2one and many2one relationships to quick navigation (#1217).
  • Added dropdown fields for many-valued relationship sides to quick navigation (#1217).
  • Add support for new group.pre_delete event in Zikula Core 3.x targets.
  • Added missing {{ moduleFooter() }} call to base template (#1219).
  • Hide link to own entries for users without edit access (#1220).
  • Added reset button to quick navigation forms (#1221).
  • Delay automatic filter submission for 5 seconds for improved usability.
  • Several fixes for form-aware hook provider dummy implementation.
  • Select collections without joins by default.
  • Properly provide entity changeset in pre update events.
  • Fixed creator filter in admin area.
  • Fixed regression in workflow state exclusion filter.
  • Fixed wrong fallback value for editing optional multi list fields.
  • Moved permission inheritance functionality and category permission checks into permission helper to apply them for search and other integration areas (#1223).
  • Fixed tree selection form type with duplicate labels.
  • Disable CSRF protection for quick navigation forms, fixing redirects after editing.
  • View page actions / navigation links are now handled by MenuBuilder using KnpMenu (#1213).
  • Fixed sorting items in view pages by related entities (#1229).
  • Fixed handling of ID insertion into Summernote editor.
  • Fixed searching in / filtering by translatable fields (#1234).
  • Zikula 3 only: added support for autowiring and autoconfiguration (#1188).
  • Zikula 3 only: use scalar typehints.
  • Zikula 3 only: added support for form fields with immutable dates.
  • Zikula 3 only: support localisation of countries, currencies, languages, locales and timezones in both forms and display.
  • Zikula 3 only: added support for Doctrine types json, datetime_immutable, date_immutable, time_immutable and dateinterval.
  • Zikula 3 only: provide workflow transition blockers with reasons for unallowed deletion actions.
  • Zikula 3 only: ability to validate BIC and IBAN codes together.
  • Zikula 3 only: extended credit card validation to include “UATP” cards.
  • Zikula 3 only: added validation of timezone fields.
  • Zikula 3 only: added support for different validation modes for email fields.
  • Zikula 3 only: added ability for auto-creation of imagine cache directory.
  • Zikula 3 only: use Symfony Mailer component instead of old SwiftMailer-based Mailer API.
  • Zikula 3 only: added listener for FormTypeChoiceEvent.
  • Zikula 3 only: custom application events are now represented by dedicated event classes.
  • For more details see closed tickets on GitHub.

Older versions

The following links point to the closed tickets on GitHub, as it makes not sense to pollute this changelog with such old things.