

  • Abstract syntax - Technology independent part of a domain-specific language, represented by meta models.
  • AC-MDSD - Architecture-Centric MDSD: a specialisation of MDSD, often used for the domain “software architecture”. Covers a domain beginning from the solution space by utilising reference implementations.
  • Agile Software Development - A principle for managing the development process with agile technologies.
  • AOP - Aspect-Oriented Software Programming
  • AOSD - Aspect-Oriented Software Development
  • API - Application Programming Interface
  • Architecture-Centric MDSD - See AC-MDSD.
  • Aspect-Oriented Software Development - Development paradigm increasing maintainability of complex system by separated treatment of cross-cutting concerns with aspects.
  • BNF - Backus-Naur Form
  • Business use case - Function for integration of object-specific business logic into an overall system.
  • Cartridge - Modularised generator component which executes a specific task and can be flexibly combined with other components.
  • Cascaded MDSD - Enhancement of AC-MDSD for separation of different generators into modular cartridges. In this context a cascading defines a sequential combination of several cartridges.
  • CCC - See Cross-Cutting Concern.
  • Cheatsheet - Integrated tutorial with interaction elements for an extended user support.
  • CMOF - Complete MOF
  • Concrete syntax - Textual, structural, graphical or hybrid notations of a domain-specific language. Serves for describing applications in the form of models by the user.
  • Constraint - Rule-like definition in context of a meta class. Serves for validation of models which are based on the corresponding meta model.
  • Cross-Cutting Concern - A function representing a separatable aspect whose implementation affects multiple program parts. A typical example is the logging of errors.
  • CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
  • CVS - Concurrent Version System


  • Doctrine - An ORM layer for PHP, represents the interface between objects in an application and the relational data storage behind it.
  • Domain - A limited area of knowledge or interest, represents a problem space from the real world in most cases.
  • Domain analysis - Process within the meta modelling, cares for finding commonalities and differences between different members of a software system family.
  • Domain architecture - From the area of product line engineering, marks the sum of a domain-specific language and the platform on which the applications realised with it are executed.
  • Domain Specific Language - A language offering precise means for expression for a domain. Contains an abstract syntax as well as concrete notations and transformations for further processing of created models.
  • DSL - Domain Specific Language
  • Eclipse Modeling Framework - Flexible and powerful framework for Ecore-based meta modelling.
  • Ecore - Meta meta model implemented in the Eclipse Modeling Framework, compatible to the Meta Object Facility.
  • EJB - Enterprise Java Beans
  • EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework
  • EMOF - Essential MOF
  • Framework - Collection of libraries and functions providing a well-defined frame for implementations of a programming language.
  • Function point analysis - Procedure for measuring the functional complexity of a software system.


  • Generative software architecture - Specialisation of a domain architecture for encapsulating technical implementation details in the context of architecture-centric MDSD.
  • GEF - Graphical Editing Framework
  • GMF - Graphical Modeling Framework
  • GMT - Generative Model Transformer
  • Graphical Editing Framework - Eclipse-based framework for the realisation of concrete notations in the form of graphical editors.
  • Graphical Modeling Framework - Generative bridge between the Eclipse Modeling Framework and the Graphical Editing Framework. Creates graphical editors based on Ecore-based meta models.
  • GUI - Graphical User Interface
  • HTML - Hypertext Markup Language
  • IDE - Integrated Development Environment
  • Interceptor - Special method in PHP which is called automatically on certain events.
  • JET - Java Emitter Templates
  • JSF - Java Server Faces
  • JSP - Java Server Pages


  • M2M - Model-to-Model
  • M2T - Model-to-Text
  • MDA - See Model-Driven Architecture
  • MDD - Model-Driven Development
  • MDSD - See Model-Driven Software Development
  • Meta class - Instance of a meta model element in the form of a generated class.
  • Meta meta model - Defines possible elements and relations for meta models.
  • Meta model - Abstract syntax of a domain-specific language. Is created based on a meta meta model in the meta modelling process.
  • Meta modelling - Abstract definition of the core concepts of a domain in the form of meta models. Based on findouts in the domain analysis.
  • Meta Object Facility - Standard for meta meta models, adopted by the Object Management Group.
  • Model - A simplifying presentation of structures, functionalities and progress forms. Represents an application in the model-driven software development which is described in an abstract form.
  • Model-Based - In model-based systems models are the „base“ for an application. They serve for documentation and basis for generating a program skeleton.
  • Model-Driven - Model-driven systems use domain-specific languages in order to be able to create software completely from models.
  • Model-Driven Architecture - Standard for the realisation of software systems with a separation of technology independent and dependent parts, defined by the Object Management Group.
  • Model-Driven Software Development - Pragmatic development paradigm for generation of software from models. See also model-driven.
  • Module - The module [moˈduːle] is a building block, in general a part of a bigger system. In informatics it stands for a unit which is assembled by multiple elements and can be exchanged at any time.
  • MOF - See Meta Object Facility
  • MVC - Model View Controller
  • MWE - Model Workflow Engine


  • Object Constraint Language - Standard language for the definition of constraints, adapted by the Object Management Group.
  • Object Management Group - Consortium developing different standards for improving interoperability, beside others MDA, UML, Object Constraint Language and Query / View / Transition.
  • OCL - See Object Constraint Language
  • OMG - See Object Management Group
  • ORM - Object-Relational Mapping
  • PDE - Plugin Development Environment
  • PDF - Portable Document Format
  • PHP - PHP Hypertext Processor
  • PIM - Platform-Independent Model
  • PLE - See Product Line Engineering
  • Pointcuts - Program code parts where aspects can embed the handling of cross-cutting concerns.
  • Product line - A software system family in the context of product line engineering.
  • Product Line Engineering - A principle comparing software development with industrial production processes and aiming on according automations.
  • PSM - Product-Specific Model
  • Query / View / Transition - Standardised language adapted by the Object Meta Group for model-to-model transformations.
  • QVT - See Query / View / Transition
  • RAP - See Rich Ajax Platform
  • RCP - See Rich Client Platform
  • Reference implementation - Existing application of a software system family. Used in AC-MDSD for deriving a domain’s core concepts from the solution space.
  • Rich Ajax Platform - Ajax port for SWT elements and other parts of the Rich Client Platform.
  • Rich Client Platform - Generic application framework based on Eclipse. Allows the implementation of portable Java applications.


  • SDK - Software Development Kit
  • Software Engineering - Engineer discipline for systematic improvement of the quality of software systems.
  • Software system family - Collection of several applications whose schematic code parts are based on the same architectural principles.
  • SPL - Standard PHP Library
  • Sub domain - Functional or technical partition of a domain which deals with the representation of specific aspects of a software system.
  • SWT - Standard Widget Toolkit
  • Symfony - A set of flexible components for PHP frameworks. Internally used by Zikula.
  • System use case - See Use case.
  • Transformation - Modification of models leading to other models again or to source code.
  • Twig - Template engine used in Zikula for a strict separation of content and presentation.
  • UML - See Unified Modeling Language
  • Unified Modeling Language - Standardised language adapted by the Object Management Group for describing software systems with models. The UML works model-based.
  • URI - Uniform Resource Identifier
  • URL - Uniform Resource Locator
  • Use case - An interaction offered by a software system.
  • UUID - Universally Unique Identifier
  • XMI - XML Metadata Interchange
  • XML - Extensible Markup Language
  • XML Metadata Interchange - XML-based file format for interoperable storage of models.
  • XSD - XML Schema Definition
  • Zikula - A powerful Symfony-based application framework.